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How to Get Rid of a Really Bad Stomach Ache

Stomach pain is one of those things that can be caused by just about anything from too much Mexican food to colon cancer and everything in between. Chronic discomfort warrants seeing your doctor and severe pain that continues to get worse over the course of a few hours should definitely prompt a trip to the ER. But most of the time a tummy ache is a simple—yet uncomfortable—ailment that you can cope with at home.

So, how should you nurse yourself back to health? That depends on your symptoms and the cause of your pain. Read on for doctor-recommended strategies that can help you feel better in no time at all.

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If your stomach hurts because you're stressed

The remedy: Go for a walk

It's not unusual to feel your stomach doing flips before a first date, a big presentation at work, or another stressful event. "The gut-brain connection is very strong," says Vijaya Rao, MD, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor at The University of Chicago Medicine. "When you're stressed, the nerves in your GI tract become more hypersensitive, so you might get cramping or become nauseated." It's not always easy, but the best Rx really is to chill out. Go for a walk, talk to a friend, or do some deep breathing, Dr. Rao suggests.

If you're constipated

The remedy: Soak in Epsom salt

If you have pain in your lower abdomen, you're likely constipated. Many people who battle chronic constipation swear by magnesium supplements, but a topical fix may work just as well. Adding 1.5 cups of Epsom salt (aka magnesium sulfate) to your bath water can help relax your mind as well as your bound-up tummy, says Luisa Szakacs, a nutritionist with Marpe Nutrition. Another option: Rub some wet Epsom salt directly on your belly. Epsom salt is an osmotic laxative, which means it draws fluid into the intestines, which in turn, help to push out fecal matter, according to Cornell Health.

Miralax may also be worth a try. "It's a powder that draws water into the colon. The dose is easily adjustable, and it's very safe to take," Dr. Rao says

heating pad — how to get rid of a stomach ache
A heating pad, like this one from Amazon, can ease cramps by increasing blood flow to the stomach.


If you have cramps

The remedy: Relax with a heating pad and some peppermint tea

A natural antispasmodic, peppermint relaxes the gut and helps stop cramping, Dr. Rao says. She suggests popping a peppermint oil capsule like IBGard or brewing some peppermint tea. To make a cup, use a tea bag or simply add fresh mint leaves to hot water.

Another tactic worth trying: a heating pad. Karen Joubert, PT, DPT, owner of Joubert Physical Therapy in Beverly Hills suggests applying warmth to your middle for about 20 minutes. This will increase blood flow to the stomach, which can help relax the muscles causing your cramps.

💡QUICK TIP: Don't have a heating pad? Wet two hand towels with water and then wring them out. Put one towel in the microwave and heat it on high for 2 minutes. Remove the towel from the microwave (be careful—it will be hot!) and place it in a plastic bag. Wrap the other wet towel around the bag and apply the homemade hot pack to your stomach for 20 minutes.

If you're nauseous

The remedy: Chew on ginger

Ginger is a time-tested, research-backed remedy for queasiness. It comes in lots of forms—candy, capsules, tea bags—but fresh is usually best, says Dr. Rao. "It's hard to say how much real ginger is in tea or capsules," she says. (And in case you were wondering, most ginger ales don't even have ginger in them.)

Dr. Rao's advice: Cut a piece of fresh, raw ginger root and chew on it a little bit. Or take a small amount and steep it in hot water to make your own tea, Szakacs suggests. You can also add crushed ginger root to a smoothie. (Looking for a delicious ginger smoothie recipe? Our Super X Smoothie features fresh ginger, spinach, collard greens, turmeric, banana, and other yummy ingredients.)

woman taking pill — how to get rid of a stomach ache

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If you have heartburn or gas

The remedy: Reach for the right meds

There are lots of OTC options to choose from, but not all are designed for quick relief. Some, like Prevacid and Zantac, for example, must be taken well before the pain strikes. To prep for occasional discomfort, Dr. Rao recommends keeping Gaviscon and simethicone (Gas-X) in your medicine cabinet.

Gaviscon is her top pick for pain in the upper part of the abdomen, which is usually a sign of heartburn. "You can take it as needed, and it forms a protective layer over the food," Dr. Rao explains. If you're feeling bloated and gassy, simethicone may help. It encourages small gas bubbles to join together with others, making them easier to pass.

If you have diarrhea

The remedy: Drink some fluids, and then drink some more

Diarrhea is typically caused by a pathogen that needs to get out of your body, and drinking plenty of fluids can help move things along, Dr. Rao says. Staying well hydrated can also help ward off dehydration, a common side effect of diarrhea. In addition to water, it may be beneficial to reach for fluids that contain small amounts of sugar or salt, as they can help the body replace lost glucose and minerals. Gatorade is a good option, but if you rather whip up a homemade concoction, mix 1 teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt to 4 cups of water. If you're feeling particularly yucky, you may also want to try one of these 6 best remedies for diarrhea.

knees to chest woman — how to get rid of a stomach ache
Laying on the ground with your knees to your chest (as pictured above) and gently rocking back and forth can help ease stomach pain.

Getty Images

If you're not sure what's causing your pain

The remedy: Give yourself a massage

A little TLC can go a long way, says Joubert. "Place one hand on top of the other in the area of pain. Apply gentle pressure and make circular motions 10 to 20 times. Focus on breathing into this area—breathe in 1-2-3 through the nose, hold 1-2-3, exhale through the mouth 1-2-3-4. The increased oxygen will help blood flow and pain management."

If that doesn't do the trick, Joubert suggests changing up your position. "Lay on the floor, bring your knees to the chest so that feet are above the heart level, and gently rock 10-20 times while focusing on your breathing."

⚠️ If none of this advice makes any difference—or you're getting stomach aches several times a month—call your doctor. You may have a digestive disorder that needs treatment, or you may need to revamp your diet. It's possible that a lack of fiber or a food sensitivity could be causing your discomfort.

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How to Get Rid of a Really Bad Stomach Ache
